Waste Treatment Metal Precipitant, EF-118-1 (Carbamate)


SKU: EF-118-1 Category: Tag:


Waste Treatment Metal Precipitant

Product Number: 

Chemical Name:   Sodium Dimethyldithiocarbamate

Product Description

EF-118-1 (aka carbamate) is an aqueous metal precipitant used as a waste treatment additive where chelating agents are present resulting in soluble metal pass-through.  It is effective over a broad pH range.  It is commonly used in conjunction with conventional coagulants and polymers in industrial wastewater pretreatment systems.

Product Specifications

Activity:  39.0-41.0%

Density:  1.17-1.19

pH:  12.5-13.5

Alkalinity:  0.04-0.5%

Rate of Addition

Typical feed rates can range from 4-20 mg/L (ppm) depending on waste stream and targeted metal.  Jar testing should be performed to determine individual facility requirements.

Storage and Handling

EF-118-1 should be stored in a cool and dry environment away from a heat source and acidic materials.  This material should be stored above 40°F to avoid crystallization of the product.


EF-118-1 is packaged in 48 lb. (5-gallon) plastic pails and 55-gallon drums (525 lbs.).  Call or email for 55-gallon pricing.